Smartshow.tv publishes new content report covering VOD, streaming, web, short-form content, digital originals and formats.
You can read the full report for May 2020 below or download it from SlideShare. The report contains Pitch of the Month, key new developments and a selection of 3 most important launches not only on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, Disney+ or Quibi but other platforms too.
'Digital Video Entertainment' report is a curated selection of shows intended for digital content professionals. The report covers digital video entertainment content with a focus on VOD, streaming, web content, shortform, digital originals and formats suitable for digital platforms. Focal point on new fiction, reality and entertainment shows. Doesn’t include documentaries and one-offs, e.g. movies and specials. It is an independent format research with no paid commercial messages, guaranteed by Smartshow.tv founder Ivan Krasko.
Check Smartshow.tv every week for trailers and full list of digital premieres.